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This webinar delves into the first pillar focused on creating systemic change regarding emotional safety: screening and assessment. The selection and implementation of psychosocially focused screeners will be discussed. There will be an exploration of practical communication tools that can be used to effectively share the assessment results and subsequent care plans.
Suggested domain: Assessment
Explore current barriers to effective use of assessment/screening tools
Identify current validated tools for psychosocial/emotional risk
Discuss options for implementing these tools
Examine ways to use your organization’s current technology systems to share results and plans with team members

Jenaya Gordon (MA, CCLS, NCC)
Manager, Child Life Department
Jenaya Gordon is the manager of the Child Life Department at Children's Hospital Colorado. As a Certified Child Life Specialist, she has worked with children and families in the emergency department, pediatric intensive care unit, neurosurgery unit, and inpatient surgical/trauma unit. Jenaya’s presentations address such topics as emotionally safe pediatric care, trauma-focused medical play, understanding and responding to children in crisis, trauma processing, and trauma-informed care. She authored the paper Emotional Safety in Pediatrics and was a contributing author in the Handbook of Medical Play Therapy and Child Life. Jenaya is a former board member with the Association of Child Life Professionals and continues to contribute her time as a committee member.

Kelly Wagner

Toni Millar
Toni Millar’s professional career as a CCLS has spanned over 25 years and has included clinical and leadership roles in healthcare systems, as well as supportive and leadership roles (President 2011-2012) in CLC/ACLP. Toni recently moved with her husband from New York City to Portland Maine to be closer to family and friends while exploring new professional options.

Lori Gottwein
Children's Wisconsin
Lori is a child life professional with over 30+ years of clinical and leadership experience. She is currently Manager of Child Life and Creative Arts Therapies at Children’s Wisconsin where she oversees child life, creative arts therapies and sibling care. Lori has participated in a number of ACLP committees and workgroups including Education Training, Evidence-Based Practice, By-Laws Sub-committee and Patient Experience. Lori is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership Administration at Concordia University.

Holly Clark
Pediatric Potential, Inc. - Istanbul, Turkey
Holly is dually certified as aChild Life Specialist and Therapeutic Recreation Specialist and is a Co-Founderof Pediatric Potential. She served pediatric patients with hematology,oncology, and acute medical rehabilitation needs for over twelve years as aCertified Child Life Specialist. Amid her tenure as a clinician, she provided avariety of psychosocial care interventions, led community reintegrationprograms, implemented support groups, and cultivated external donor and partnerrelationships. Holly’s global expertise spans from America, India, SoutheastAsia, Africa and the Middle East. For the past ten years, she has dedicated hercareer to promoting culturally responsive psychosocial care, as a professionalconsultant, governing board member, researcher, guest lecturer and medicalmission volunteer.