Facilitating a Virtual Sibling Support Group
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Given the impact of COVID-19, the presenters were compelled to seek an effective approach to supporting siblings, especially in addressing the shift in their lack of presence at the hospital. As members of the Sibling Committee at our hospital, the presenters sought to fulfill our goal to facilitate a sibling support group. This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the entire process involved with piloting a virtual sibling support with the sisters of BMT patients. In sharing research, a focus on evidence-based practiced, and our experiential learning, the presenters hope to offer other professionals with motivation to facilitate sibling support groups, especially with a virtual approach. This webinar is free for members.
Learning Objectives:
Describe theoretical foundations and research affirming the need for sibling support as well as evidence-based approaches for support
Recognize the professional responsibility as Child Life professionals to offer optimal care to siblings, as well as the importance of collaboration within the Child Life tea
Identify resources that can shape the facilitation of effective virtual sibling support group
Consider how to assess individual sibling needs (i.e. context of the medical journey, temperament/personality, family make-up, etc.) in tailoring sibling support group to each sibling
Identify virtual approaches to facilitating group process based on detailed synopsis of each of this pilot's session
Understand potential challenges and obstacles with facilitating a virtual sibling support group
Process/evaluate own ability to facilitate a sibling support group
Suggested Domain: Intervention

Kim Ong
Kim Ong is a Child Life Specialist II with 15 years of experience, certified infant massage instructor with MS in Child Life and Family-Centered Care

Erika Shue
Child Life School Teacher
Erika Shue is a credentialed teacher who has been working as a Child Life school teacher over the past 8 years