No One Had to Lose for You to Win: Well-Being and Psychological Safety for the Child Life Student
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The support that students gain as they enter the field of child life is wide and quite variable. Samantha and I will explore the topic of how this impacts the scope of psychological safety through the breakdown of the safety core components, survey response and literature support. Through the exploration we will then note some of the pieces we have fostered at our site to aid in the support and supplementation the creation of safety for our trainees.
We will also look at where our department still has room to grow. While the focus of this work would be mainly on students, we will also look towards the new hire/first career support to foster an entry point that feels supportive and safe.
Suggested Domain: Ethics
1.0 PDU
Learning Objectives:
1. Define Psychological Safety
2. Define Psychological Safety Impacts noted via literature support, survey and CHOP student feedback
2. Understand how sites can aid in supporting students during the process of application, interview, and practicum/internship
4. Understand the job ready entry impact of moving into clinical supervision space, mentorship programs, and tailored onboarding, and early support when moving to a new location.

Courtney Dill
Courtney Dill, MS, CCLS, LMT is a child life specialist at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. She is currently working the capacity of training coordinator, where she guides practicum, intern and cooperative students in the Department of Child Life, Education and Creative Arts. Courtney's interest include promoting well being and alternative healthcare.

Samantha Flick
Samantha Flick, MS, CCLS is a child life specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is currently working in the pediatric Emergency room at our satellite campus in King of Prussia, PA. She has worked previously in our Pediatric ICU and Cardiac step-down and ICU. Samantha’s interests include sibling support, bereavement work and trauma-informed practice.

When is the recording going to be released?
Having challenges with the quiz... there are no questions loaded.
Is there any way we can get the slides from the presentation? I loved the information about Zones.