You Can't Pour from an Empty Bucket: Stress & Self-Care in the Child Life Profession
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- Student - $15
This webinar will explore the stressors and personal risks inherent in the child life profession and other caring professions, will discuss the research & current theory and practice surrounding compassion fatigue, burnout, & stress, and will discuss research and best practices for self-care in the child life profession.
Participants in this webinar will gain the ability to: 1. Define key terms related to stress and self-care, including compassion fatigue, burnout, and self-care.
2. Identify types of self-care that have been shown effective at reducing negative effects of working in a caring profession.
3. Identify stressors in their own work or environment that may be risk factors for developing compassion fatigue and burnout.
4. Create realistic goals for self-care for themselves.
5. Advocate for self-care at a departmental or organizational level.
Domain: Professional Responsibility

Katherine Baxley
Katie has a bachelor's degree in Spanish as well as a master's of education in child studies with a concentration in pediatric health care, both from Vanderbilt University. She completed her internship at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN, then completed a one-year fellowship at the Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. She currently works as a PRN child life specialist at Beacon Children's Hospital in South Bend, IN, and has been a certified child life specialist since 2016. Katie also has experience working as a mental health case manager for children and adolescents, and is certified in youth mental health first aid.