Getting Comfortable with Data: Developing Analytical Skills for Child Life Professionals
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With ACLP’s increasing focus on research and evidence-based practice, now is the time to become more comfortable having conversations about data. In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of data and how impactful a working knowledge of data analysis can be for drawing conclusions within child life practice, management, and the professional landscape. Because many child life specialists don’t yet feel confident completing their own statistical analyses, we will discuss how to tap into resources to find analytic support and how to communicate your analytic goals when you do. This webinar will increase the data literacy of child life specialists and decrease their hesitation around quantitative data.
Participants will be able to:
-Understand the importance of data analysis that allows us to draw conclusions
-Encourage specialists to tap into resources to find analytic support
-Build confidence in communicating goals for analysis
Suggested Domain: Professional Responsibility
This webinar is part of our Established Professionals programming.

Danielle Blackburn
Intermountain Healthcare Primary Children's Hospital
BA in Psychology, Child Life, Azusa Pacific University
Certified Child Life Specialist: Surgery – Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital & Radiology – Primary Children’s Hospital
Current Profession: MS in Business Analytics, University of Utah
Pediatric Data Analyst at Primary Children’s Hospital
ACLP Data Analyst