Incorporation of A Developmental Screening Tool into Multidisciplinary Care Plans for Pediatric Burn Patients
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The location and extent of burn injuries often hinder the medical team’s ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of the child’s developmental and ability level. This can hinder how each multidisciplinary team member approaches the patient’s care and offers appropriate interventions and activities. Under the leadership of the child life specialist, a burn center multidisciplinary team formally incorporated the Ages and Stages Developmental Screening tool into their standardized practice. The purpose was to gain an understanding of the patient's pre-injury developmental stage and abilities. Assessment results were incorporated into a treatment plan by the PT, OT, and child life specialist. This presentation will discuss planning, implementation, results, and lessons learned. The presenters look forward to sharing the implementation of the screening tool for this specific population and discussing implications for other populations who are impacted by injury or necessary medical equipment
Suggested Domain: Assessment
1.0 PDU
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the Ages and Stages Developmental screening tool.
2. Identify opportunities for utilization at their facility and stakeholders within the multidisciplinary team.
3. Anticipate challenges with incorporating a screening tool.
4. Learn how to incorporate results into Epic charting.

Alexis Castro
Alexis has been a certified child life specialist since 2014, with experience working in numerous Level 1 trauma centers. Alexis worked in a verified burn center for 6 years helping pediatric patients and their families cope through the burn care experience. In addition, Alexis managed the school re-entry program and youth and teen support groups. Alexis also shared her knowledge and experience working with groups such as the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation and the Phoenix Society’s World Burn UBelong program. She holds a master’s in child life from Bank Street College of Education and a Certified Trauma Practitioner certification from Starr Commonwealth.

Rosielyn Rufo
Rosielyn has been a certified child life specialist since 2020 with experience working in hospital and early intervention settings. She currently serves children and families in a community hospital with a robust pediatric service line, including Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Radiology, Burn Unit and Short Stay Surgery. Rosielyn has a master's in child life from Azusa Pacific University and a bachelor's in child development from California State University of Fresno.