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The importance and significance of hospital to home transitions following hospitalization for children with medically complex needs have been the focus of considerable research and healthcare policy (Leyenaar, J.K., Rizzo, P.A., Khodyakov, D., Leslie, L.K., Lindenauer, P.K., & Mangione-Smith, R., 2018). An additional component contributing to the complexities of this patient population is the percentage of children with medically complex needs following non accidental trauma. Utilizing case examples, webinar participants will explore the definition of medical complexity following non accidental trauma and will discuss the evidence based interventions available to best support this patient population.
Suggested Domain: Intervention
1.5 PDUs
Learning Objectives:
1. Demonstrate the ability to define medical complexity in the pediatric patient.
2. Demonstrate the ability to define non accidental trauma in pediatrics.
3. Exhibit the ability to identify and describe evidence based interventions that can be utilized to support the child with medical complexity following non accidental trauma.

Jennifer Fieten
Jennifer Fieten has been a child life specialist for over twenty years, providing child life services in various hospital settings, in pediatric palliative care and hospice, and child life instruction for students in the academic setting. She has her bachelor's degree in family, consumer, nutrition, and sciences from Northern Illinois University; her master's degree in education from University of Texas in San Antonio, and has started her doctoral study in child development from the Erikson Institute in Chicago. In a previous role, she proposed, developed, coordinated and facilitated a hospital wide child abuse response team, which led to her appointment to two state wide child death review teams. She has recently served as the child life specialist in a pediatric specific transitional medical care facility, caring for children with medical complexity following non accidental trauma and is currently the child life specialist at Shirley Ryan Ability Lab, an innovative rehabilitation hospital, continuing to serve children with medical complexity, and their families.